Nutritional Therapy
"The most profound engagement with the natural world happens on our plate" ~Michael Pollan
Nutritional therapy is closely related to acupuncture and medicinal herbal medicine and follows the same diagnostic principles. The primary focus is on the qualitative effects of food and it’s relationship with the body’s qi (chi). The term qi has vital significance in nutritional therapy as it relates to the life force and life energy of one’s overall well-being. When one’s qi or life force is balanced, it’s speaks to an expression of optimal health. Food is fundamental in sustaining and balancing qi as the body extracts and absorbs qi from food. The energetic healing properties of food allow the body to naturally heal on a cellular level. Thus, in order to achieve the maximum benefits from the healing properties of food, it’s essential that we consume ‘whole’ foods derived from nature.
A nutritional therapy plan is a prescribed system designed to address systemic imbalances and disharmonies through nutrition. Nutrition on an optimal level is defined as “a diet consisting of foods that nourish and restore the body." Achieving optimal health and restoration on the ‘body’ level requires a customized nutritional therapy plan essential to the healing process for each patient.
A customized nutritional therapy plan is designed to ensure optimal health results.